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Zhi Chen group | electrical & computer engineering and CeNSE

Focus on microelectric fabrication, novel semiconductor devices and materials, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) transistor reliability, and microsensors.

859.257.2300, ext. 268

Lance DeLong group | solid state physics

Focus on the study of superconducting and magnetic behavior of solids at low temperatures, high magnetic fields and high pressures, including superconducting thin films with controlled patterns.

859.257.2300, ext. 282

Todd Hastings group | electrical & computer engineering and CeNSE

Development of electronic and optical devices that exploit nanometer-scale features and dimensional control along with fabrication techniques that exhibit the required resolution and accuracy. Target applications include computation, communication, data storage, and sensing.

859.257.2300, ext. 292

Barbara Knutson group | chemical & materials engineering

Development of novel solvent systems with unique properties tailored by temperature, pressure and composition. These supercritical fluids may be used to sterilize the protein-based drugs of the future.


Vijay Singh group | electrical & computer engineering and CeNSE

Focus on designing novel thin-film devices with a specific interest in organic solar cells, SrS: Cu (blue emitting) and ZnS: Mn (yellow emitting) flat panel display devices, nano-porous metal oxide films, and smart oxides whose properties can be tuned by field or light.